Saturday, February 25

My muslimah, alhamdulillah

Semoga hari anda diberkati Allah S.W.T (:

Okay, lama sangat dah tinggalkan blogger ni. Taktau nak bersyarah apa. I just want to share something. There are some photos that I would like to share. It's about My hijrah. Bukan niat utk show off. But I'm proud to be my self. I've changed. Alhamdulillah ! Even not at all. Too much thing dat I must learn, so do u.

Bersama adk ipar, but she's older than me (:

My girl. I miss her, dats all (:

With my sifu, thanks a lot dear (:

Ugly me, peace yaw (:

#The top one, latest pitcha. haha.Yang lain semua random. (: Mari kita doa bersama sama utk mmperbaiki lagi diri kita. InsyaAllah.

Smile like you've never cried